This is going to be a hell of a trip, and I hope I get to see a lot of readers out on the road. More importantly, this is enough of a reason for me to post this iconic road-trip-to-Los-Angeles song from The Muppet Movie:
You know what? Fuck the rules, I’m gonna stick the Steve Martin waiter cameo in here, too:
Also Muppet-car-related is this, your reminder that Gonzo the Great drove a Citroën Mehari, as you can see up top there, inverted on the Studebaker. I’m excited for the trip! I just hope we don’t have to spend too much time driving through bat country. Literal giant fork at the intersection. For reals. If Otto knows and loves that scene in the movie, it’s totally worth the 5-minute detour, although the reveal might be better approaching from the south, where St John forks off from Pasadena Ave. But there’s a wee park where you can get out and take pictures by the fork. It’s freezing here and I’ve been shoveling snow all day. Safe travels 🙂 May the road rise to meet your feet. PS a quick post along the lines of, ‘We made it alive; details to follow’ would be appreciated for those of us who don’t use social media Oh come ON! Beau couldn’t even spring for name-brand trucker’s crank?! Now I’m worried he won’t even let you expense the mescalin and tequila! Because you can take the boy out of the Rust Belt, but you can’t take the Rust Belt out of the boy. Mm, yeah, well…Michigan has bountiful water. Cali does not. You can enjoy the weather but you can’t drink sunshine Good luck on the drive kids! Glad to see they make Chips-Its now. So overdue!